Monday, November 21, 2011

Exploring Nokia 701 - Day III

The biggest tragedy in my life at the moment revolves around commute from home to work and back. I am sure that many of the readers here would have a similar story to tell. However, my condition is more of the extreme kinds with around an hour and a half each morning (low traffic scenario) increasing to around two and a half hours each evening (high traffic conditions). I guess nobody would disagree when I say that this is REALLY LONG by any standard for everyday commute.

What this warrants is some kind of activity to keep myself occupied during these hours. I love reading and can spend any amount of time reading. However, I like to satiate my appetite for reading with a combination of books, newspapers & magazines, updates & posts on social media, etc.

This was one of the chief concerns I had in mind before I started using the Nokia 701. However, once I started using the devise, I was impressed with the bright display and the high quality non-pixelated images.

This morning, I downloaded The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes application from the Ovi Store. Once the download completed, all I had to do was tap the menu to select the mystery I wanted to read. The fonts were legible and distinct and I could flip through the pages just the way I would with any other hard copy book.

I decided to try the same with a website which was a mix of text and images and so I opened the Times of India app. News which was difficult to obtain earlier while on the go, was so much fun to flip and scan.

The last test for the display was when I downloaded a season of Mad Man to watch it on the phone. The closest expression that I can use to describe the experience is that I didn’t realize when I reached home after a long journey.

The display on Nokia 701 works supremely well not only under day-light conditions but also seems stable when in motion to keep you engaged. There are more than one ways in which this display has simplified my most difficult issues which I face today as a resident in a metro city.

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