Monday, July 11, 2011

‘Kissa’ of my Car #3 (when I became the consumer)

This is the third post in the series of entries detailing the mental turmoil I am going through while convincing myself to buy a car. You can figure out the earlier entries if you try hard enough.

After having convinced myself, my parents and the people around me about my decision to buy a car, I experienced this feeling of extreme calm. That night when my parents teamed up with my decision, I dreamt of myself sitting in a 70mm theater watching myself drive a car all alone on the screen. It wasn’t a slow motion sequence. It was extreme slow motion. I saw my hands on the steering wheel, the road was endless without any sign of any other vehicle and the sky slightly overcast. As I rolled down the windows the heavens wept in joy. Chilled droplets of water gushed inside and touched my face creating a sensation throughout the body.

And since it was a dream, I have no clue when it got over or led to another figment of imagination. When I woke up what remained, was a pleasant memory and a question: what car was I driving?

I tried really hard to recollect. I could afford to spend time on trying to think over my dream as it was a weekend. I took it a step further and decided to sleep off once again hoping that I would dream the same dream all over again. Sadly, I didn’t.

So the question remained. For a moment I felt that my situation was similar to that of those young girls who would imagine their knights in shining armour driving down from the heaven on a white stallion to set them free. In their case, there would usually be a bright white light that would make it impossible for them to see the guys face. In mine, it was just memory lapse.

However, as I kept thinking more about the car that I had seen in my dreams, my vision of the world around myself with the cars in it changed.

As I stepped out of the house for the first time that day and walked past the cars parked outside my building, my speed slowed down. Till now they were just vehicles that belonged to others in my building. From now on, they were cars. They had probably always been in existence, but now they were alive for me. Now they were a part of my world.

Before I reached the end of my lane, I felt that my eyes were moving along with every car that was passing by. It was as if a magnet attracted some piece of iron.

I smiled to myself and looked enjoyed this new way of looking at life. I always thought that I could observe things closely. However, I had never explored this dimension of my faculty. The days that followed, saw me observing more and more cars. Asking questions such as what is a beautiful car and what is an ugly car? While travelling in the bus, I would stare outside the window more than concentrate on my reading. I tried to understand why a car was named what it was and how cars were different from each other?

This new phase of calm was an eye-opener and let it pass slowly. I enjoyed each moment as I always saw something that I had not explored before. This was my trip.

Also posted on: Those Little Bits
Follow me on Twitter: Rahul Chawra

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